PG Dept.of
IR&PM, Berhampur University is a
premier Department in the country was
founded in 1967 in south ODISHA in the city of Berhampur, ODISHA. Over the last few
decades PGDIRPM has contributed its best
to the HR professionals growth and management of innumerable institutions that
serve the public, especially organized industry, Labour, service agencies
engaged in rural development, education, health and other public systems.
department offers two year full time MA in IR&PM course at the Post
graduate level is one of the oldest department in HRM with HR speiliastion. The
Programme aims to equip the students with knowledge and hone skills required
for management of Human resources. the major thrust areas are Industrial
relations, organizational behavior, Change management Human resource management,
human resource Development, labour law ,International HRM and labor economics.
Prof.Subhas Chandra Parida
Good Comments Sir....